Answers to Your Speech Therapy Questions
The Link Between Speech Therapy & Dementia
Are you confused why your loved one with dementia was referred for speech therapy? Take a minute to read what SLPs bring to the table in dementia care management! 4 Min Read
Must-Have Products for Dementia
There has been a surge of products coming out to support people with dementia. Here’s a list of ones I have used in my practice and I find practical for helping memory and independence! 3 Min Read
5 Simple Home Modifications for Dementia
What do you do when your loved one with dementia begins to become more forgetful? There are many simple modifications that you can make to help your loved one live successfully and as independently as possible in their home. Here are five ideas that can be implemented quickly! 4 Min Read
5 Activities for Your Loved One With Dementia
Here are five simple activities to bring you closer to your loved one with dementia and stimulate their mind. Consider speech therapy for more ideas and strategies for communication. 2 Min Read