Answers to Your Speech Therapy Questions
Managing Long COVID Brain Fog
Learn how cognitive therapy can help you overcome long COVID brain fog so you can focus better, return to work, and get back to doing the things you love! 4 Min Read
Concussion Myths & Management
Concussions are all over the news. But do you know the facts? Learn more about this type of traumatic brain injury and how SLPs can help with the management and recovery process. 4 Min Read
Improve Your Cognition After a Brain Injury By Using These 5 Strategies
Cognitive changes often occur after a brain injury like a TBI, stroke, and concussions. In order to improve your day-to-day functioning, here are 5 strategies we recommend you try! 4 Min Read
Neuroplasticity: There is Always Hope After Stroke
Did you know your brain can keep improving even after it’s been injured? It’s true! In this article, I’ll breakdown what neuroplasticity means and how it relates to your recovery in speech therapy. There is always hope after a stroke! 3 Min Read
Do Brain Training Games Actually Improve Memory?
I’m sure you’ve heard of those brain training games that have surged onto the market over the past decade. You know, the ones that say they can improve your memory if you just play them every day and pay a monthly subscription fee? Let’s get down to the bottom of it. Do these brain training games actually work? 4 Min Read
5 Activities for Your Loved One With Dementia
Here are five simple activities to bring you closer to your loved one with dementia and stimulate their mind. Consider speech therapy for more ideas and strategies for communication. 2 Min Read